How did you come to select Graphium Health?
As a brand-new hospital, we were looking for a good nice solution for anesthesia records. The Anesthesia Module for the EMR chosen by the hospital wasn’t going to work for us. I knew we needed a solution that was simple, easy to learn and easy to teach.
I immediately saw that AnesthesiaEMR is very much like a paper record, very simple. Something that a non-technical person can spend 30 minutes with, and be proficient at the anesthesia charting. I didn’t want a solution that would require my team to spend two days in training. With Graphium, it’s not necessary: Everybody knows how to do paper and pen.
“The first time I looked at it, I said ‘Wow. I know how to use that without any instruction.’” – Dr. Wehling
How are you using Graphium Analytics?
That’s key. Being a start-up hospital, being a new Anesthesia group, we had no past data. I wanted to be able to make quick, fast decisions that were more accurate. The hospital has it’s own data collection system but it’s not as quick and fast and user-friendly as Graphium. If I want to know how many cases I did, or any other data point, I can get that answer in minutes. GraphiumAnalytics in an anesthesia-specific tool that I use almost every day to trend my practice, as well as trend hospital performance.
We have a case where we brought on a new surgeon. And we had to buy them a lot of equipment. We needed to know very quickly what our time frame for getting that equipment paid for was. I could tell the CEO of the hospital in minutes how many cases he did, how many cases were scheduled, and project when that equipment would be paid for. In other systems, you look and look – two hours later – you still might not have the answer.
Is the hardware a good fit for your facility?
Unlike other solution we looked at, Graphium is totally portable. It allows us to go to the OR, to go to PreOp, to go to the CT scanner, to go to recovery, with the same piece of equipment.
There are a lot of computers in our hospital, and a lot of people complain about their computers, but I haven’t had a single complaint about the Graphium tablet. We’ve had providers drop them, smack them around, but they keep working great. If I have a wifi connection, I know that Graphium is going to work.
Would you recommend Graphium Health to colleagues?
I would recommend Graphium Health to people who need an anesthesia charting solution that’s simple, easy, and very portable. It’s not something you have to spend a lot of time training, a lot of time installing, a lot of money. It’s about the simplest, easiest, most portable anesthesia solution you’ll find. If you’re a surgery center, if you’re an endoscopy center, if you’re a big hospital, small hospital, and you want to get this done, the best solution for you will be Graphium. If there’s anything else out there, it’s not as good as Graphium. This really is a stellar product.