Why EMR for Anesthesia? I’ll save you the suspense: It’s in the data. And it’s not better access to the data, per se. It’s not being able to find medical data via a computer rather than making a medical records request or calling the lab for results rather than clicking a mouse. Yes, there’s value there for sure. But it’s not transformative. The real value from an EMR lies in the perspective it provides. It’s more than being a fancy word processor. It’s all about the analytics.It’s about engagement. It’s about process improvement, reducing costs, and improving the patient experience.
How does an EMR improve access and quality while also reducing costs?
Regardless of the medicine specialty, the answer lies in being better stewards of a limited resource. We must practice smarter, manage smarter, and respond smarter. Fundamental to process improvement is the ability to capture the data, analyze the data, and finally act on the data. Where are the inefficiencies? Where are the missed safety performance metrics? How frequently? By whom? How’s our turn over time? How’s the current wait time? The questions are seemingly endless. But key to asking the right question and finding the right answer is having meaningful access to your data. PeriOperative Medicine is no exception, and it is one of the final frontiers in holding on to its blessed pen and paper medium.
Step 1: Data Capture
Any meaningful data management program must first start with appropriate data capture, and within Perioperative Medicine, this has been historically very challenging due to the acuity of the practice and need for unrelenting vigilance on patient care. GraphiumEMR™ introduces the unique ability to capture critical point-of-care data with virtually no distraction from patient care – either on a TabletPC or iPhone. Thus giving you access to valuable information that is simply not collected on most hospital wide EHR systems or for all practical purposes, not available after collection.
Built to virtualize your existing paper forms or work on an iPhone, GraphiumEMR fits naturally in your providers’ existing workflows. Rather than being expensive data entry clerks, allow your staff to focus on their job – providing outstanding patient care. With GraphiumEMR™ your facility maintains its productivity and efficiency while capturing critically important data surrounding the PeriOperative process.
Step 2: Data Analysis
While capturing the data is an essential first step, not all data storage is created equal. GraphiumEMR™ uses a proprietary, enterprise-proven data warehouse to bring meaning to your data, in real-time. No extra data entry process. No delays or requirements from billing systems. Our platform makes a variety of reports on productivity, efficiency, patient safety, utilization immediately available to the hospital administration. These reports are drillable and provider specific by surgeon, anesthesiologist, or CRNA.
Perhaps most important, the analytics are provided back to the provider’s iPhone in real-time. Unique to the GraphiumEMR platform lies the ability to empower your team with their own quality, allowing them the opportunity to improve themselves. Give your providers the tools they need to improve themselves and your patients will be the ultimate benefactors.
Step 3: Action
GraphiumEMR will collect and present your PeriOperative operational data in a meaningful, easy-to-use dashboard, in order that your management team may identify best practices, develop strategic plans for improvement, and then measure the effects of their decisions and execution. Your administration will better understand the quality of patient care delivered and implement change where needed, when needed. Together, in partnership, we can improve access and quality while also reducing costs.
Graphium Health™ is dedicated to improving healthcare delivery, lowering the cost, and improving satisfaction by making your healthcare experience more engaging, more intelligent, and more meaningful.