Trying to find the perfect thing to say for that anesthesia provider crush you have? Look no further- we have you covered.
Also…don’t actually use these.

You make O2 delivery look good.
You give me heart palpitations.
Good ones.
Could you check my SpO2?
Because I think you just took my breath away.
Baby, this may be the Versed talking,
but you grfrmphrdrm…
Your love is like a general anesthetic.
I feel it from head to toe.
I feel all tingly when you’re around.
Roses are red,
Violets are blue,
“Count backwards from 100,”
I’ve been monitoring your anesthesia care all day.
I love you even more when you pass gas.
Are you aphasia?
Because I can’t speak around you.
You must be an APGAR score.
Cuz baby, you’re a 10.
Are you a STOP-Bang?
Cuz I’m losing sleep over you.
I must be aware under anesthesia.
Cuz you look like a dream.
Only you can stop my bleeding heart.
I’m surprised you’re still at the hospital,
cuz I’ve been checking you out all day.
Oh, MIPS! I thought you said LIPS.
My bad.
You must have AMAZING patient satisfaction scores.
You put the DAZZLE in Midazolam.
Sometimes I think I’m ok,
but then ICU.
Better check by ETCO2,
Cuz you got me in shock.
Does my chart show ICD code 10-I51.81?
#takotsubosyndrome #brokenheart
You’re skin, I’m tegaderm.
Let’s stick together.
Don’t forget to untape my eyes afterwards.
I gotta see you again.
Maybe you should increase the drip.
I still have a strong feeling.